In The Godfather, Tom Hagan explains that Sollozzo is good with the knife. And yet, we never see Sollozzo use a knife. Ever. We never hear him bragging about how good he is with it. We never hear anyone else mention it either. Why the callout with the knife?

Dear Floridians: today’s NYC quake was basically a tropical storm in terms of severity. You’re welcome.

Topics discussed at dinner tonight with my wife and kids. • Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. • The opening lines of Romeo and Juliet. • The medical condition known as tenesmus. • Gödel’s Incompleteness theorems. • The date calculation used to determine the date of Easter Sunday. • Leap year logic.

My family is totally normal.

This is your daily reminder that you only feel gravity when you’re NOT falling.

Found a bug. Fixed. And by that, I mean the wife found a roach in the cabinet, sprayed everything in there with bug spray, slammed it shut and put duct tape over it in the shape of a big X so no one in the house would use the now tainted cups and mugs in said cabinet.

Optometrists love to place that new pair of glasses on your face as if you’re royalty having the crown placed on your head at your coronation. You just know when you get home you’re going to unceremoniously throw those glasses right on the nightstand just like every other night.

Meta Threads notifications currently broken.

I wouldn’t call it a “living document”. It’s a glorified wiki page. Electronic communications aren’t suddenly reproducing or taking in nutrients. Let’s all calm down.

What we didn’t know at the time was that every time Steve Ballmer said “developers” in that famous clip, a new version of .NET would spawn in the future. This is Steve’s revenge on all .NET developers: a gazillion different versions of the runtime.

“Beware the ides of March” 🏛️ 🗡️

I’m being 100% serious: I’ve started working from my bed (my laptop literally propped on my lap) and my productivity has gone way up. I don’t get it, but I won’t question it either.

I’m convinced the highway billboard advertising industry is entirely supported by the personal injury attorney cartel.

The other day I did something I never thought I would end up doing: I called Amazon support. Apparently, one of my kids inadvertently signed up for an Amazon Music subscription (yes, those apparently exist). I called the number after trying to resolve the issue online and getting nowhere. My expectations were pretty much nonexistent. But I gotta say, after explaining the situation, Amazon support was extremely helpful and resolved the issue. Not only that, but I was refunded as well.

Book recommendation and leap day are a great combination! Here’s one that I recently read. Camille Fournier lays out the path in a way engineers and other tech workers will find easy to understand (trust me, if I was able to understand it, anyone can). I will be re-reading this again very soon. 👍🏻…

Happy calendar drift prevention day for those who celebrate.

Today’s workout:

4-5-6-7-8 reps for time:
Squat Clean Thruster, 95lbs
Jumping pull-ups

Dear News+: I am already paying for your service. Why am I seeing ads embedded in every dang article? And not just one. There’s at least two or three ads per article.

Today’s workout:

For time:

400 meter run

21 burpees

400 meter run

15 burpees

400 meter run

9 burpees


A so-called financial columnist was recently scammed out of $50k in one of those “shoe-box” scams. There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to exposing this problem. The scam involves elaborate coordination across countries and continents. The complexity probably rivals that of some illegal drug organizations.

More here:…

3 things I’d like to add to this:

  1. I am NOT a financial nor a security expert. I am a person on the internet who merely has a passing interest in both subjects.

  2. Please be very selective in who you take advice from, especially if they claim to be a “journalist expert”. This is not meant to criticize journalists in general. Some of these people do amazing work, sometimes risking their lives. And many are indeed experts in money and finance. But it appears that, at least in this space, there is not enough accountability.

  3. Please check on your family members who might not be very, er, “tech savvy”. Particularly elderly relatives. Elderly people in English-speaking countries are particularly easy targets for these types of scams.

Jake Kepins has a great summary over on Threads about the “expert journalist” as well. Worth the read.

Despite its name, the type system in Typescript is not exactly like the type system in C#. I understand this on a rational level. But not on a gut level. Sometimes hours are wasted because of this.